
The Gospel Coalition: Review of “God, Locke, and Liberty”
Religious freedom is one of the most important developments in history. How we handle this issue, more than any other, is the key to success or failure for modern social orders.

CBN: In the Shadow of Reagan’s “Time for Choosing”
Watch the interview with CBN commemorating the anniversary of Reagan’s famed speech.

TheBlaze TV’s “Real News”: Global War On Christians
Watch the clip from “Real News” with Dr. Loconte and TheBlaze TV team.

Eric Metaxas Includes “The Searchers” in Top Books for Nonbelievers List
Was there ever a more compelling writer than Loconte, who teaches history here in NYC? In “The Searchers,” he takes the familiar Road to Emmaus story and opens it up in fascinating ways.

InTouch Magazine: A Conversation with Joseph Loconte
Somewhere in a church basement on a weekday night, a group of Christians will meet under fluorescent lights.

Gospel Coalition Book Review: “The Searchers”
Joseph Loconte’s “The Searchers” is richly rewarding. It’s a contemplation of Christ for believers and an outreached hand to unbelievers.