• A Hobbit a Wardrobe and a Great war



Huffington Post: Iraq and the Freedom Deficit in Islam


The success of Islamic extremists in Iraq is due to the failure of modern Islam to reconcile its deepest beliefs with the principle of religious freedom.

Huffington Post: Poland, Obama, and the Reagan Doctrine


Perhaps the most important remark in President Obama’s speech in Poland this week, marking the twenty-fifth anniversary of its democratic revolution, was the least noticed by commentators. “The victory of 1989,” Mr. Obama said, “was not inevitable.”

Dr. Loconte Speaks on Reagan, American Exceptionalism


WATCH: Dr. Loconte spoke about Ronald Reagan and American Exceptionalism at Regent University’s Ronald Reagan Symposium on February 7, 2014.

The Gospel Coalition: Review of “God, Locke, and Liberty”


Religious freedom is one of the most important developments in history. How we handle this issue, more than any other, is the key to success or failure for modern social orders.

TheBlaze TV’s “Real News”: Global War On Christians


Watch the clip from “Real News” with Dr. Loconte and TheBlaze TV team.

Eric Metaxas Includes “The Searchers” in Top Books for Nonbelievers List


Was there ever a more compelling writer than Loconte, who teaches history here in NYC? In “The Searchers,” he takes the familiar Road to Emmaus story and opens it up in fascinating ways.