• A Hobbit a Wardrobe and a Great war



National Review: Churchill, the Blitz, and Moral Leadership


It is impossible to imagine the citizens of London standing firm during their supreme hour of crisis without Winston Churchill in the center of the storm.

National Review: Truth Is a Casualty in Our Culture War


Recall the thinkers who helped to build our liberal democratic order. They were motivated by the free exchange of ideas in the pursuit of truth.

National Review: What Hong Kong Can Teach the West


While the ideals on which our civilization was built are being trashed at home, pro-democracy protesters against the Chinese Communist Party fight for them.

National Review: What Winston Churchill Understood about America


‘The third great title-deed’ of freedom, he called it. American exceptionalism drew its moral strength from British exceptionalism.

National Review: Classical Liberals vs. National Conservatives in the Age of Coronavirus


The government’s response to the pandemic should give conservative advocates of a more powerful state pause.

The Hill: Pandemics and the survival of the fittest


Today, in the throes of the coronavirus pandemic, the dominant theme is saving lives, regardless of the economic cost.

National Review: The Queen’s Speech


Pity the heart that could not be moved and lifted by it.

National Interest: America Has a History of Pandemic Denial


Donald Trump wasn’t the first president to misunderestimate a national threat. Franklin Roosevelt played his part in the collective denial and dishonesty of the age—until the “ideology of fascism” contagion came knocking.

National Interest: The Future of Freedom in the Era of Dictatorial Rule


The rule of law cannot be counted on to protect the rights of minorities and political dissenters. The result—as John Locke predicted—is social unrest and revolution.

National Review: Tolkien’s Deadly Dragons


While the author of “The Hobbit” disliked allegory, his great thematic preoccupation with the struggle between good and evil remains as relevant as ever.