• A Hobbit a Wardrobe and a Great war



Huffington Post: Obama’s Machiavellian Moment


President Obama’s plan to launch a military strike against Syria because of its deadly use of chemical weapons signals a moment of both clarity and contradiction.

Huffington Post: A Deadly Gunman vs. the Faith of Antoinette Tuff


We may never fully understand how it was that Antoinette Tuff persuaded a young man who appeared at her elementary school armed with an assault rifle and hundreds of rounds of ammunition to lay down his weapon.

The Times of London: Faith Can End Egypt’s Politics of Persecution


By appealing to the noblest religious impulses, the West can stop violence against Christians.

Huffington Post: Anti-Americanism and the Funeral of a Great Myth


Remember when anti-Americanism was all the rage?

Huffington Post: Jesus and the Zealotry of Reza Aslan


Why did a penniless, itinerant rabbi from a backwater district of the Roman Empire, executed in disgrace, exert such a powerful influence on Western civilization?

Huffington Post: Democratic Delusions


The contrast between political rhetoric and everyday reality is often stark, even in democracies, where politicians are free to speak the truth about the ills facing their societies.

Huffington Post: What Tocqueville Would Tell Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhhood


In the 1830s a young French intellectual, Alexis de Tocqueville, travelled to the United States determined to learn what a great republic looked like.

Huffington Post: The Obama Doctrine and the Judgment of History


“With a decade of experience to draw from, now is the time to ask ourselves hard questions — about the nature of today’s threats, and how we should confront them.”

Standpoint: Constitutional Ignoramus


In what seems a curious way to begin a book advancing a more “principled” and “morally defensible” approach to religion in public life, Leiter makes little effort to conceal his contempt for people of faith.

Wall Street Journal: The Easter Message of Religious Freedom


As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate Easter, they reflect on God’s purposes amid suffering and death. Yet there is another aspect to the Easter story that should be as important to the skeptic as it is to the believer: its message of religious toleration.